Right Here at Heart… a poem on what Dragon Tree is about.


I weep tears of joy when it rains
Steeping tea till it turns green 
The art of dragon tree
Lives in the passion 
For that zest and zeal 
Of life’s sensations 
The laboratory a home
For the dragons labors
And efforts cause when
It snows all turns white
Where the chemistry 
Ignites that spark
That flame of sport
The music we dance too
That thrives with life
The vibes combustible 
From within the fire breathing
Tunes... tuning the harmony
Of time it’s as if we 
Are there divine

What moves the dance
That trance state
Munchies they are
For the minds stomach
Something of one step
At a time.. and one
More step to make
The ground quake
The walls growl
And the wind howl 
And the heart roar
Cause when it rains
We all mourn
Cause when it thunders
We all clap our hands
Alive with those
Flashes of light 
And dash through the night 
With the might of a dragon

Let’s contemplate this
What lights that spark
Within you too??
Is it a Phoenix 
Or something betwixt
Or tiger with stripes
Can you rhyme and cantor
With these tunes
With these woos
You can find me in the woods 
This is where 
Dragon tree laboratories Is
Right here at heart


Dreamy Sun

The sun and the moon are stars
The sun and the moon are our stars
We are stars
Shining so brite
I caught the sun in my fingertips
Its as if I could kiss the sun light
with my lips….
Shining so brite I
couldn’t miss this
catching sun rays


What is this internal struggle 
Worth fighting for?
Saving loose change 
When having so little
Counts just as much

That biting anxiety
Says one thing poison 
Those pin pricks that itch 
Into pain say voodoo child 
Is praying on me

How evil can some one be
Some one who doesn’t have a soul
How sad it is to see a being with
No standards health nor propriety 

What is this internal struggle worth
Fighting for?
Every cent counts 
As 100$ is a win

This fight buys freedom
Freedom in the mind
Freedom in the heart
liberating as it is to
Win while keeping 
My sanity in tact
May this text be a guide
To understand the
Values of compassion while
Protecting my sanity 
Is with my family

To fight with honor 
Means seeking the truth
From within the conflict 
Of mystery the conflict
Of misery pain and suffering 

The hardships of
Being a warrior
Endure time
Timelessness is the way
This path I follow
Blood has been shed 
Girlfriends have been lost and wed
Due to the misunderstanding 
Of this mystery

Framed I’ve been
And unravel the knots I did 
To travel into the unknown
Of my imagination 
Where all seemed lost
Despairing the wastelands 
Soot to ash and dust
On the mirror

I know who I am 
A tai chi warrior 
And from the depths 
Of all darkness i arose
A shadow in
The night 

Some form I became
Some thing of a
Man i always wanted to be
But not once did I think
I would look like this
Proud and tall

Carrying the weight of the world
I do on my shoulders
Using the process of alchemy 
To transform
That weight into Strength
A necessary step in this internal fight

This Internal Struggle

As something shifts
Something as simple
As these words
I realize i am
Still here

And here we go
Insinuated upon 
Mentally ravaged
By what appears to be 
Orcs high on hallucinogens
What a trip 
Takes a real trooper to
Get through this one
Hiding in shadow power
The night brings comfort

What about a voodoo child 
What the fuck does that even mean

My friends it’s as if
We are each other’s armor
Yes I transcend this experience 
Of evil haunting my door step
Reap the seeds of karma
Sow the truth and garden of justice 

My friends are good to me on The inside
I dare not turn a blind side
To those thoughts of betrayal 
But all ears are here
To listen to the spooks of night 
What a fucking fight 

Turn the tables with every move
The tides change with the moon
When our moon is full 
The mighty are cool
Whose a fool now?
Transcended I did to you 
You orc high on what is 
Nothing of a soul

As the winter settles 
The cold bites
I bite and growl right back
The cold punishes
The evil unveiled
What’s the deeper truth
Worthy of discovering 
About any one or anything 
For the good could lie
In the most unexpected 
Of places, but underneath
It’s pillow could be the most 
Rotten of disgraces 
The most heinous of faces